We are always striving for more and looking for ways to make new changes in our life as well. Some want to get a new job, others buy a house; have that body that we always wanted or simply be good at some sport, however, most of the time we struggle achieving what we want.

When it comes to achieving our fitness goals or any other goal in other areas of our life, there are 4 main reasons why you might not get the results that you are looking for. Check below,


You might think often about reaching a specific fitness goal (to lose weight, to increase strength, to improve performance, etc) but you are not actually taking any action like working out. This may be happening because you don't know where to start, you are too busy at work, you feel tired or you are just not motivated enough to take the first step.

It takes commitment to start a new routine or habit and discipline to keep going. It is never easy but remind yourself how important this goal is for you and start with baby steps. Even a walk around your neighborhood will get your body moving. If you are new to exercising and you don't know where to start, a Fitness Professional can support you in creating a plan.


In order to create a plan you need to set specific and realistic goals. If you don't have a specific goal, you will go to the gym and do any machine in front of you with no sense which will lead to eventually quitting. Also, although setting goals is very important, make sure they are realistic. If your goals are too high and you are not able to achieve them, that will create frustration and lead you into eventually quitting as well.

If you are a beginner, setting short-term goals according to your fitness level will make you feel accomplished and build the confidence that you need to strive for more once you achieve them, then you can invest your energy and focus on achieving your next one. Signing up in a class or gym and committing to attend at least 2-3 times a week is a good example of a short-term fitness goal.


If you already set your goals, you are already one step forward but remember that "A dream without a plan is just a wish".

Going to the gym and playing by ear won't generate the results that you are looking for, instead it will make you feel frustrated and reduce your motivation. Not having a training program to follow up will prevent you from being consistent. You won't be able to track your progress or generate great results which might lead you into quitting.

When a fitness program is created, it is customized to your specific needs and goals. Having a training program to follow up will create consistency and will reduce the time that you spend thinking about what to do, you will become more efficient during your routine and generate better results which will increase your confidence and motivation. If you don't know how to build a training program, a Fitness Professional can support you in building it.


Once your goals are set and you have a plan, consistency will play a very important role in achieving your fitness goals. Consistency is critical in all aspects of our life, if you are not consistent you won't get the results that you are looking for. Creating a new habit takes effort but falling off the track is very easy. When you are too busy at work, you feel too tired, or any other excuse that comes to your mind, you will most likely skip your training. When your consistency decreases, your motivation does as well. Your body also stops adapting to the stressors that are necessary to progress and you don't get the results that you want. Eventually, you will feel frustrated and quit your routine

No matter what level of fitness you have, once you prioritize your fitness and follow up a training program, you will have the opportunity to plan your schedule ahead, keeping yourself accountable and consistent and achieving great results.

"When you engage in small efforts done consistently you will be able to reach your goals than if you engage in big efforts done intermittently."