If you have been feeling low energy lately with the change of the season, this article will remind you why you should get yourself moving even when you feel like doing nothing.

When we don't move for a long time, either because we spent a lot of hours working in front of the computer or because we simply don't want to engage in any physical activity due a lack of energy or motivation, we get deconditioned and lose our fitness. Our body stops producing the chemicals that are necessary for our regular activities and eventually we find ourselves feeling worse than before, and sometimes this leads to depression.

By engaging in movement with physical activities such working out, running, dancing or any other type of exercise, your body releases endorphins which are a type of neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger that helps to relieve pain and stress. Movement also stimulates the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, adrenaline and serotonin. These play an important role in regulating your mood, regulate your appetite and sleep cycles, which are often negatively affected by depression; improve your fight-or-flight response, and distract you from your worries, improving at the same time your confidence. When these chemicals are released, our attitude changes positively and there is an increase in our energy as well.

As I mentioned in one of my previous articles, sometimes exercise might feel like it triggers anxiety due to a heartbeat, however, this heartbeat increase helps to pump oxygen to the brain. It contributes to the release of hormones that promote positive neuroplasticity which is the growth of new connections between cells in many important cortical areas of the brain, helping to “rewrite” these patterns to improve well-being. Just think of the last time that you didn't want to engage in any movement but you felt great after pushing through to the point that you couldn't wait for more.

How can I incorporate movement into my life?

The good news is that to start moving you don't need to be a fitness professional to enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.

To move you can simply go for a walk around the block, this is a great way to get active and get some fresh air in the process. If you feel energetic, you can go for a quick jog as well.

Try out easy exercises at home with free weights, bands or your body weight movements such squats, push ups, glute bridges. If you are new to fitness and do not know how to start with your routine, contact a fitness professional that can help you to build your foundation and confidence.