THE PLANK PROGRESSION: SHOULDER TAPS Having fun with the planks?  Now is time to add a new progression for this great core exercise with some shoulder taps.  The plank with shoulder taps targets different muscles, specially the transverse abdominals…


Having fun with the planks?

Now is time to add a new progression for this great core exercise with some shoulder taps.

The plank with shoulder taps targets different muscles, specially the transverse abdominals and obliques and it's one of the most functional exercises that you can incorporate in your workout routine because it is an anti-rotation movement that will improve basic daily activities such as "walking". Also, because during this exercise you have to hold your body weight with one arm at a time, it builds strength in your arms and shoulders.

To perform the plank with shoulder taps simply:

- Get into a push-up position on the floor or mat, ensure your hands are shoulder-width apart, wrists and shoulders are aligned, your legs are straight, feet are hip-width apart, and your core is engaged keeping your back straight.

- Maintaining the alignment of your plank with your back flat and hips level with the floor, tap one shoulder with the opposite hand and hold for a few seconds (time will depend on current training program), then return to your original plank position.

- Repeat with the other arm.

Benefits of performing the plank with hip extension exercise

- Strengthens your core muscles reducing risk of injury

- Strengthens your glutes and increases stability in the shoulder joint.

- May reduce lower back pain by strengthening core muscles around the spine which increases stabilization.

- It improves athletic performance since a strong core is associated with increased power output, maximum force, running performance, upper body rotation, and a lower risk of injury.

However, you shouldn't perform the plank with shoulder taps exercise if:

- You are suffering from injury in the shoulders, arms or wrists

- You have heart problems or high blood pressure