THE BIRD DOG EXERCISEThe "Bird Dog"  exercise is a body weight functional movement that targets your back,  core muscles and gluteus maximus. It improves spinal mobility and relieves lower back pain. By targeting the muscles around the spine and moving through your shoulders range of motion, it will also help  to improve posture.  Building strength in the muscles around your spine with the "bird dog" exercise will protect your lower back by reducing compensations that lead to injuries. Having a strong core and spine stability will help you to move better in everyday activities, especially when you need to bend or twist.  To perform the "bird dog" exercise follow the steps below:  1. Start on a hands and knees position.  Kneel with your knees hip-distance apart and align with the hips and hands aligned with the shoulders at a shoulder-width apart.2. On your next inhale, tighten your core and extend one arm forward until it is pointing in front and at your shoulder level. At the same time extend the opposite leg back behind you and hold for at least two seconds (see photos above and below).  3. As you exhale, return your hands and knees to the floor and then switch to the opposite arm and leg.  You can do this exercise for 30 secs as your pre workout warm up or include it between your workout sets. 


The "Bird Dog"  exercise is a body weight functional movement that targets your back,  core muscles and gluteus maximus. It improves spinal mobility and relieves lower back pain. By targeting the muscles around the spine and moving through your shoulders range of motion, it will also help  to improve posture.

Building strength in the muscles around your spine with the "bird dog" exercise will protect your lower back by reducing compensations that lead to injuries. Having a strong core and spine stability will help you to move better in everyday activities, especially when you need to bend or twist.

To perform the "bird dog" exercise follow the steps below:

1. Start on a hands and knees position.  Kneel with your knees hip-distance apart and align with the hips and hands aligned with the shoulders at a shoulder-width apart.

2. On your next inhale, tighten your core and extend one arm forward until it is pointing in front and at your shoulder level. At the same time extend the opposite leg back behind you and hold for at least two seconds (see photos above and below).

3. As you exhale, return your hands and knees to the floor and then switch to the opposite arm and leg.

You can do this exercise for 30 secs as your pre workout warm up or include it between your workout sets.