Our lives have always been defined by the rush to complete deadlines; look the best to fit in; to get recognition for our achievements; to feel loved; filling our mind with different type thoughts about the way we should live our lives which creates additional stress and pressure in our day-to-day existences…
Why cardio is good for your mental health
Believe it or not I hated doing cardio, specially running, however, cardiovascular training played an important role in my life during the pandemic last year. After being locked down inside my house…
Flexibility & Mobility
How do you feel about your Mobility&Flexibility?
Did you know that you can learn a lot about your body's mobility&flexibility just by performing a deep squat?
summer hydration
Summer is here and the heat is affecting your daily activities including outdoor workouts, runs, bike rides or even a simple walk around your neighborhood. Now is time to ask yourself,
What are your intensions behind movement?
move with Intention
You finally made it to the gym and started your exercises movements, however, you can't wait to finish and go back to your daily activities or bed. If you feel identified with the above it is time to ask yourself,
What are your intentions behind movement?
You breathe and move everyday, but,
How aware are you of the relationship between Breath and Movement?
We all have different fitness goals, yours may be to do a deep squat, to tone arms or as simple as just to start going to the gym. Although our goals vary individually…
The benefits of fitness
Exercising regularly is not just about looking good. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that help to improve your mood, reducing anxiety and depression.
the dead bug exercise
Is your lower back feeling really tight after spending hours working from home or simply after completing your regular workout routine?
The "Bird Dog" exercise is a body weight functional movement that targets your back, core muscles and gluteus maximus. It improves spinal mobility and relieves lower back pain.
The Glute Bridge
The Glute Bridge
The glute bridge is a lower-body exercise that strengthens glutes (maximus, medius and minimus), hamstrings and core.
Now that you have mastered the glute bridge, let's progress this movement and challenge the core more with some single-leg bridges.
The single-leg bridge is a movement that works the lower body unilaterally.
The plank is a bodyweight and effective exercise that helps you to build stability and strength in your core, upper body and lower body. This is an isometric core exercise and it involves maintaining the position f.
The Plank Progression: Hip Extension
The plank with hip extension is a progression of the regular plank and will build strength and stability in your core. When you lift one leg of the ground…
The Plank Progression: Shoulder Taps
The plank with shoulder taps targets different muscles, specially the transverse abdominals and obliques and it's one of the most functional exercises that you can incorporate in your workout routine because it is an anti-rotation movement that will improve basic daily activities such as "walking".
Meditation is a mindful practice where you focus your attention onto your breathing, helping to create a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation also helps us to cultivate wisdom and compassion.
get yourself moving
If you have been feeling low energy lately with the change of the season, this article will remind you why you should get yourself moving even when you feel like doing nothing.
When we don't move for a long time, either because we spent a lot of hours working in front of the computer
time to stretch
In the last weeks we have learned more of how by incorporating meditation and movement in our routine can positively impact our mental health. So, now that you are moving more and your muscles are getting tighter and sore, it is time to stretch and improve your flexibility..
4 Reasons Why You can’t reach Your Goals
We are always striving for more and looking for ways to make new changes in our life as well. Some want to get a new job, others buy a house; have that body that we always wanted or simply be good at some sport, however, most of the time we struggle achieving what we want.
Despite what you might think, your core is more than having your abs ready to show on the beach (no that there is something wrong with that lol).