GLUTE BRIDGE PROGRESSIONNow that you have mastered the glute bridge, let's progress this movement and challenge the core more with some single-leg bridges.  The single-leg bridge is a movement that works the lower body unilaterally. It is a good way to isolate and strengthen the glutes muscles, hamstrings, and hip extensors, improving at the same time lateral stabilization which is imperative in our daily activities such as walking and athletic performances like running, biking, soccer, etc.  To perform the single-leg bridge follow the steps bellow:- Lay on your back with your hands by your sides, bend the knees and place your feet flat on the floor (hip distance apart).- On your next inhale, tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles and push one leg into the ground and drive the hips up to a bridge position and simultaneously lift the opposite knee up towards your chest without overextending the lower back. Hold for 1-2 seconds.  - As you exhale, slowly lower the hips back to the floor and switch the legs or repeat the same for few reps.


Now that you have mastered the glute bridge, let's progress this movement and challenge the core more with some single-leg bridges.

The single-leg bridge is a movement that works the lower body unilaterally. It is a good way to isolate and strengthen the glutes muscles, hamstrings, and hip extensors, improving at the same time lateral stabilization which is imperative in our daily activities such as walking and athletic performances like running, biking, soccer, etc.

To perform the single-leg bridge follow the steps bellow:

- Lay on your back with your hands by your sides, bend the knees and place your feet flat on the floor (hip distance apart).

- On your next inhale, tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles and push one leg into the ground and drive the hips up to a bridge position and simultaneously lift the opposite knee up towards your chest without overextending the lower back. Hold for 1-2 seconds.

- As you exhale, slowly lower the hips back to the floor and switch the legs or repeat the same for few reps.