MOVE WITH INTENTION  You finally made it to the gym and started your exercises movements, however, you can't wait to finish and go back to your daily activities or bed. If you feel identified with the above it is time to ask yourself,  What are your intentions behind movement? does it feel forced or does it feel free? do you really want to exercise? or you just want to check boxes?  By asking these questions, you will cultivate mindfulness on the movement and evaluate wether your relationship with movement is nourishing or hindering your life. Movement is a gift and should be naturally woven in your daily activities without resistance or driven by social standards and obligations. Once you have made this realization, everything changes. Creating mindfulness and setting an intention on the movement can be as simple as the contact of your feet on the ground as you run, the moment when your hands enter the water while your swim. Weight lifters might use the up & down repetition of a barbell or the simply expansion and contraction of your belly on every breath.  Moving with intention and mindfulness will help you to develop a meaningful relationship with movement until it becomes a lifestyle. Wether is a good or bad day, you feel happy or sad,  you want to laugh or cry;  under any circumstance, JUST MOVE.  References:Cameron, Laurie J. National Geographic Everyday Mindfulness Magazine – June 21, 2019


You finally made it to the gym and started your exercises movements, however, you can't wait to finish and go back to your daily activities or bed. If you feel identified with the above it is time to ask yourself,

What are your intentions behind movement? does it feel forced or does it feel free? do you really want to exercise? or you just want to check boxes?

By asking these questions, you will cultivate mindfulness on the movement and evaluate wether your relationship with movement is nourishing or hindering your life. Movement is a gift and should be naturally woven in your daily activities without resistance or driven by social standards and obligations. Once you have made this realization, everything changes.

Creating mindfulness and setting an intention on the movement can be as simple as the contact of your feet on the ground as you run, the moment when your hands enter the water while your swim. Weight lifters might use the up & down repetition of a barbell or the simply expansion and contraction of your belly on every breath.

Moving with intention and mindfulness will help you to develop a meaningful relationship with movement until it becomes a lifestyle. Wether is a good or bad day, you feel happy or sad,  you want to laugh or cry;  under any circumstance, JUST MOVE.


Cameron, Laurie J. National Geographic Everyday Mindfulness Magazine – June 21, 2019