Seth Van Kirk

Over the years, I have been inspired by Esteban’s 360 approach to wellness and fitness, striking a fine balance between the engagement of the body, mind and soul. As a result of his heightened sense of self-awareness, Esteban is notably attentive and thoughtful throughout every session. He provides consistent check-ins as well as form and technique feedback addressing both opportunities and successes. He also leads by example.

When I first started training with Esteban, I was experiencing significant back discomfort due to poor flexibility. After conducting a fitness assessment and addressing my goals, he prepared a customized training program that incorporated both weight training and yoga. Within four weeks, my discomfort fully dissolved allowing me to power through movements that were once unachievable. Though Esteban is mindful, sensitive, and accommodating the quality of the workout is never compromised; they always remain challenging and solution driven.

Since the pandemic, Esteban’s training continues to be an energizing resource that promotes optimism and encourages 360 self-care. This is the best my body has performed and i continue to be fascinated with the step-by-step progress.


Lani Halliday

I started working with Esteban in the Fall of 2020 and I have nothing but incredible things to say about my experience with the training and Esteban as a person. The workouts are rigorous and I saw essentially immediate results, but more important to me was the thought and care Esteban out into his offering interactions. I am a busy entrepreneur in NYC and the flexibility to tailor my training sessions week-to-week, the work we incorporate to deal specifically with stress and the sweet encouragement he sends are all part of a holistic package that makes me seem and cared for far beyond any trainer I’ve worked with. I would 100 % recommend Esteban for any one wanting to not only get in shape, but to integrate true wellness in to their lives.

Dereck Saathoff

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Esteban Monsalve as my personal trainer for the past several months, and the results have been nothing short of remarkable. 

From the outset, Esteban exhibited a deep understanding of fitness principles tailored to my specific goals, and his expertise has propelled me towards achieving them with unparalleled success. Under Esteban's guidance, I've witnessed profound transformations in both my body and energy levels. His personalized approach to training ensured that every session was challenging yet achievable, pushing me beyond my perceived limits while fostering a supportive environment that encouraged progress. Not only have I seen visible changes in my physique, but I've also experienced a substantial increase in my overall energy levels and vitality. Esteban's holistic approach to wellness goes beyond mere physical exertion; he emphasizes the importance of nutrition, recovery, and mental well-being, creating a comprehensive strategy for sustainable health and fitness improvement.

One of Esteban's most commendable attributes is his unwavering dedication to his clients' success. He consistently goes above and beyond to tailor each workout to my evolving needs and provides invaluable guidance and motivation every step of the way. His passion for fitness is palpable, and it's evident that he genuinely cares about the well-being of those he trains.

Robert Nostro

When I first met Esteban two years ago, I embarked on what I can only describe as a transformative journey, both physically and mentally.His philosophy that the mind and body are intricately connected resonated deeply with me, and it's a testament to his expertise.His tailored training programs, unwavering support, and genuine belief in my potential have led to a significant transformation. His commitment to his clients' success is evident in everything he does. Training with Esteban has been an incredible journey of self-discovery and growth. I am immensely grateful for his guidance and support. For anyone looking to embark on their own fitness journey, I cannot recommend Esteban highly enough.

Kate Bally

I can’t say enough about what a pleasure it is to work with Esteban! He has been whipping me into shape for years, and he makes the hard work enjoyable with his sparkling personality and incredible skill. He knows his stuff! I’m astounded at how well he understands what will get results. He can also work around and promote healing of small injuries that occur along the road to fitness. I count myself among his biggest fans. I’m so grateful for him!


Jeffrey Rowledge

I met Esteban while working with another trainer. I found that he was always engaged in his work with a level of interest that is obvious when someone really enjoys what they do. In addition, he obviously cared deeply about his clients goals which made me want to work with him. Immediately upon working with Esteban his positive attitude and dedication to helping me reach my physical fitness goals was striking and motivational. Esteban listens closely and notices my movements with amazing attention to detail. He will correct my movements to more precisely get the most of the exercise and in addition Esteban can think on the fly when something bothers my knees, which are prone to pain, to come up with another movement that has the same result. What sets him apart is he’s a natural motivator which is obvious in each of our sessions. If I don’t like a certain exercise he focuses me onto the movement, why it’s important, and what the aim of the exercises is for, which keeps one focused . He honestly loves what he does, and cares so much about his clients.


Nicholas Klimchuk

I’ve really enjoyed training with Esteban. While I’ve been lifting weights for a few years on my own, adding his training sessions into my routine have helped me break through plateaus and get my fitness to the next level. I find that I push myself more with his coaching and his workouts include a number of unique moves I wouldn’t have done on my own. They are both challenging and train a broader cross-section of muscles than standard isolated movements. And of course, Esteban is just great to train with given how dedicated he is to his craft, his attention to detail and positive energy!


Will Taylor

Training with Esteban was amazing. It was my first time working with a Personal Trainer and he made me feel really relaxed and safe as I lifted weights for the first time. Esteban took the time to understand my body and its strengths and areas of opportunities and he will always keep that in mind during our workouts.


Alistair Ellis

I have been training with Esteban for over 4 years. I had a paralyzing shoulder injury when we were first matched together due his proficiency in yoga and stretching that would help me heal. Not only has my shoulder fully recovered but I am stronger than I have ever been thanks to him. Training with Esteban I feel both challenged and motivated. With his guidance we target my weaknesses to ensure that I continue to grow stronger. We have worked on strength training, balance, coordination and stretching. His expertise in all of these fields makes him the best and most well-rounded trainer that I have ever had.


James Napoli

When I began my search for a trainerI knew Esteban was the right fit. I had seen Esteban work with clients before, and had been favorably impressed with the focus he dedicated to his time with them. Since we started training together, I’ve really enjoyed how well-rounded Esteban’s approach to fitness has been. He’s brought a holistic spirit to his training approach, infusing mindfulness, yoga, strength training, and diet into our routine. I was particularly impressed by how quickly he noticed my weak points, and worked to build up those areas. Since training, I’ve found my stability, overall strength, and weak points have dramatically improved. Tangible metrics aside, Esteban is a genuine and compassionate human being who brings joy and enthusiasm to each of our sessions. I cannot recommend him highly enough!!