This Fall I got to cross the finish line of the 50th NYC Marathon. It was my first marathon ever and I feel both humble and proud of this amazing journey. Seeing the city so alive and cheering us all along the way has been one of the most rewarding moments of my life.

If you ask me a year ago or even at the beginning of this year if I would run a marathon I would tell you that I wouldn't, however, I decided to take myself out of my comfort zone so I set personal goals that in the past I didn't know that I was able to accomplish. I ran my first half marathon in spring, I jumped out of a plane for the first time with a skydiving company in New Jersey before heading to celebrate my 40's birthday hiking the canyons between Utah and Arizona at a 100 - 110 F, and after 12 weeks of an intense running training I ran my first marathon in NYC on its 50th's Anniversary.

Stepping out of my comfort zone hasn't never been easy, and I know you can relate to that. During our life we go through traumas that compromise the safety of being vulnerable, of taking risks and trying new things for the fear of failure, but when you change your mindset and allow yourself to "believe", to believe that you can have a different life, to believe that you can success at tasks or sports that you thought you couldn't, you start empowering yourself to a higher level of performance.

Having a strong belief will create vision, strength and therefore you will feel more resilience, so next time you feel that you can't, give yourself the opportunity to believe you do and see what you are capable of.