In the last weeks we have learned more of how by incorporating meditation and movement in our routine can positively impact our mental health. So, now that you are moving more and your muscles are getting tighter and sore, it is time to stretch and improve your flexibility.

Stretching is the process of placing a specific part of your body into a position that will lengthen, or elongate, the muscles and associated soft tissues and therefore increase your flexibility which plays an important role in your fitness, reason why stretching should be fundamental part of your training program and other daily activities. Doing it regularly keeps your muscles flexible and improves the range of motion in the joints so you can move without pain, increasing athletic performance at the same time. Also, increasing the flexibility in your body will help to improve your posture and decrease back pain created by muscle compensation.

Stretching no just will bring multiple benefits to your body, it will benefit your mind too. Stretching before going to bed will help you to sleep better by improving blood flow and reducing muscle tension which aid in muscle recovery and sleep quality. So, if you are having trouble to fall asleep, take few minutes to stretch.

The two most common stretching types are "static" and "dynamic". Static stretches are performed without movement. Once you put any part of your body into the stretch position, you hold it for a specific amount of time (30 - 45 secs recommended). Dynamic stretching is a movement-based type of stretching where joints and muscles go through a full range of motion. This type of stretching can be used to warm up your body before exercising or any other physical activity.